Anis Shivani
Anis Shivani is the Pushcart Prize-winning author of several books of fiction, poetry, and criticism, including Karachi Raj: A Novel, Soraya: Sonnets, Literary Writing in the Twenty-First Century: Conversations, Anatolia and Other Stories, Whatever Speaks on Behalf of Hashish: Poems, The Moon Blooms in Occupied Hours: Poems, and My Tranquil War and Other Poems. His work appears in the Georgia Review, Boston Review, Threepenny Review, Antioch Review, Southwest Review, Yale Review, Subtropics, Boulevard, West Branch, Prairie Schooner, Western Humanities Review, Quarterly West, Third Coast, Agni, Fence, Volt, The Journal, Times Literary Supplement, London Magazine, Meanjin, and many other journals, and in newspapers and magazines such as the Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Austin American-Statesman, Charlotte Observer, The Baffler, In These Times, and Texas Observer. Books forthcoming in 2019 include Logography: A Poetry Omnibus, Confessions II: Poems, and A History of the Cat in Nine Chapters or Less: A Novel. He lives in Houston, Texas, and is a graduate of Harvard College.