Poets of Color: The Series African American, Native American, Mexican, East & Southeast Asian, Caribbean & Dalit In 2020, George Floyd 's inhumane murder was not the first time African Americans and people of color have been victims of police brutality. Thousands took to the streets to protest the cold-blooded killing by police of Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and so many more.
Poets at Matwaala state our solidarity with our African-American brothers and sisters. We support this brave struggle and fervently hope that every voice crying out for justice in this movement is heard. We join all people of color in creating change and paving the way for our institutions to treat all people in our democracy with respect, dignity, and non-violence.
Our 2021-'23 festival features poets of color. African American, Mexican, Native American, Caribbean, Dalit & Asian American poets.
2021: Matwaala Zoom event. Funded by Poets & Writer
1. African American panel of poets. April 22: Dorothy Randall Gray, Anastasia Tomkin, Cynthia Manick, Marsha Nelson, Loretta Diane Walker. Cultural Segment: Slide show of photos Little Rock Central High School Historic Site.
Poster design: Anannya Akella
2. Mexican panel of poets. July 8: María Baranda, Ana Belen, Mariana Bernárdez, Fernando Carrera, Elsa Cross, Manuel Iris, Luis Armenta-Malpica, Jorge Ortega, Natalia Toledo. Introduction by Jorge Ortega.
Poster design: Anannya Akella
2022: Matwaala Zoom event. Funded by Poets & Writer
1. Native American panel of poets. March 3: Lyla June, Lucille Long Day, Andrina Smith. Cultural Segment: Art by Jeremy Dennis.
Poster design: Anannya Akella
2. Caribbean panel of poets. July 8: Marianela Medrano, Danielle Legros Georges, Keisha-Gaye Anderson, Bessy Reyna.
Poster design: Anannya Akella
2023: Poets of color series continuum.Matwaala Zoom event. Funded by Poets & Writers
1. Asian American panel of poets. September 28: Deedle Tomlinson (Philippines), Miho Nonaka (Japan), Sun Young Shin (Korea), Joshua Nguyen (Vietnam), Frances Kai-Hwa Wang (China) and Bryan Thao Worra (Laos).