Soul Patel
Soul is a London based poet. The themes of family and love are key to his poetry. Soul has been a prize-winner or runner-up in each of the Magma Poetry Competition (2016), the Troubadour International Poetry Competition (2017), and the Ambit Poetry Competition (2018), and has been long-listed in the National Poetry Competition (top 1%) for three years in a row including two poems in 2018. His pamphlet was also a Commended entry in the Magma Open Pamphlet Competition (2018). He was shortlisted for the Complete Works Poetry programme.
Mini Interview (2019)
Poetics: Poetry exists to define that which language struggles to define without it. My poetics are about that communication of emotion and experience through the poem to the reader.
Influences: The key poets I would say are Philip Levine, Robert Haas, Mimi Khalvati, Natalie Diaz, Olly Komenda Soentgerath, Mona Arshi.
Why is the Matwaala fest and collective relevant and needed? I feel that Matwaala will help collectively put a face to, and represent, South Asian poetry. It will also give South Asian poets a great opportunity to learn about each other's work and grow together. We represent such a large variety of voices, backgrounds and perspectives - Matwaala allows that to be showcased and heard.
Influences: The key poets I would say are Philip Levine, Robert Haas, Mimi Khalvati, Natalie Diaz, Olly Komenda Soentgerath, Mona Arshi.
Why is the Matwaala fest and collective relevant and needed? I feel that Matwaala will help collectively put a face to, and represent, South Asian poetry. It will also give South Asian poets a great opportunity to learn about each other's work and grow together. We represent such a large variety of voices, backgrounds and perspectives - Matwaala allows that to be showcased and heard.