Glorified at the hands Of artists, feasted upon by poets, Its praises sung by music-makers. Dissected by physicians, Its machinery exposed in Anatomy textbooks. In repose, its beauty drunk In stillness. Desire awakened In languor, the flesh animated, Transported in slow motion To bliss. From the bud of infancy To maternal bloom. Pushing its limits To perform daring feats. Body painted, Perfumed, jeweled, and tattooed. Wet skin in wet clothes. The veiled body Kept in the dark. Body married To Christ. Paraded on stage, dressed up Or stripped down. Sold and humbled Into submission. Bodies in whose soil Is grown cotton, cane, corn, and tobacco To make nations rich. Those bodies still Slogging on, impoverished. Bodies from Which coal is mined and gold is extracted. Body rewarded, eroding with disease. Migrating bodies washed ashore. The body detached, its primal urges Mastered by yogis; its potential sunk In self-indulgence. Body behind bars. In solitary. Body effaced in suicide. Body Stopping bullets, blown to cinders by bombs. In genocide, counted in numbers. Body in pain, suffering blows, coming To understand its frailty. Eventually Betrayed by its own failure, losing muscle, Bone, attaining stasis, shutting down. The body home at last, laid out cold. Saleem Peeradina |
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