How many South Asian poets do you find in major, mid-tier, and small magazines, journals, and publishing presses? The number is absurdly disproportionate to the pool of diaspora poets who are in the U.S. To augment this woeful gap in American letters, Matwaala Press seeks to publish South Asian diaspora poets (while our present focus is US poets we aim to include diaspora poets from the UK, Canada and elsewhere shortly).
Matwaala Press is not a vanity press. Innovating an alternative publishing model to the corporate publishing model, we aim to maximize profit to the poet accrued from the sale of the book. We intend to nurture the collaborative spirit of the collective, maintain a strict editorial process and invite ownership by the poet in the production process from design to final product.
Have you found yourself having to alter your voice, style and content to be published? Matwaala press hopes to nurture and encourage your authenticity as a bi-cultural poet.